The company

Today, De Clermont is still located in the village of Monestier de Clermont in the Isère department.

The company employs 45 permanent staff and still uses traditional manufacturing methods (particularly for making insoles and leather accessories): some of the actions and manufacturing methods have not changed.
However, De Clermont has also invested in modern, competitive machines that allow the company to use innovative materials in new spacious and functional premises.
Listening to the market, constant sourcing from suppliers and regular investment in new machines, as well as the flexibility of an integrated production tool, are the methods that De Clermont uses to stay at the forefront of innovation and launch new products on a regular basis.

The search for innovation is just one of the company’s strong values that include:
quality, expertise, the human dimension and lasting employment in France.
For several years, De Clermont has been a leader in the mass-market retailing of shoe-related articles in France.